About Us

Todd Tracy – Personal Injury Lawyer and Auto Safety Expert

Todd Tracy Fights For Families

For more than thirty years, personal injury attorney Todd Tracy has recovered major financial damages for his clients as a safety watchdog over auto manufacturers. The Dallas Morning News described Tracy as a car accident lawyer with “the stance and presence of a middleweight boxer.”
The automotive industry has felt his punch for many years as they squared off in courtrooms across the United States. Tracy has tried more Vehicle Crashworthiness cases than any attorney in the world and he has won most of them. The victims of defective vehicle safety systems often face large medical bills, long term medical life care expenses, loss of earnings and many will never be able to resume their normal lives.  In the case of fatal accidents, family members are entitled to seek financial damages for the loss of their loved ones. Todd Tracy prides himself on standing up for car accident victims who lost their lives or suffer from traumatic injuries that require lifelong care. Automakers and auto dealers must be held accountable for putting unsafe vehicles on the road.
Marcia Seebachan Victim of Fiery Crash Caused By Defective Repair Sees Wrecked Car For First Time Since Accident
Marcia Seebachan Victim of Fiery Crash Caused By Defective Repair Sees Wrecked Car For First Time Since Accident
The most beneficial effect of our legal work can help bring some closure to a tragedy by winning either a settlement or verdict from the jury. Todd has recovered substantial financial damages from car companies and car dealers for his clients. He represents victims in personal injury lawsuits and wrongful death lawsuits on a contingency fee basis. He is not the typical car accident attorney that you see on television commercials.  In fact, many of those same TV car wreck attorneys refer their vehicle safety defect cases involving death or serious injuries to the Tracy Law Firm.
Vehicle Safety Advocate and Personal Injury Attorney Todd Tracy Shows CBS 11 News Crew Where John Eagle Collision Center Should Have Replaced Honda Roof With 104 Spot Welds Instead of Glue
Todd Tracy Shows CBS 11 News Crew Where John Eagle Collision Center Should Have Replaced The Hail Damaged Roof On A 2010 Honda Fit With 104 Spot Welds Instead Of Glue
As a Vehicle Safety Lawyer, Todd is not only armed with his deep legal expertise but with an undergraduate college degree in physics. He conducts complex engineering investigations using state of the art technology to determine if the vehicle’s safety systems failed to protect his clients from fatal or traumatic injuries in a motor vehicle accident. Tracy and his support team try personal injury and product liability lawsuits in 42 states including Puerto Rico. He is often featured as an expert in national and local news reports about motor vehicle safety. Todd says, “I don’t care who was at fault in the accident. We focus on what caused serious injuries or death.”

You Don’t Pay A Penny Unless Todd Wins

Personal Injury Todd Tracy Holds Automakers Responsible For Causing Death and Severe Disabling Injuries by Selling Unsafe Defective Vehicles
Todd Tracy’s Clients Suffer Thousands Of Dollars In Medical Bills For Catastrophic Injuries
When you fight the biggest carmakers in the world, you must spend thousands of dollars on scientific studies and crash tests to prove your product liability case. So, Todd Tracy represents his clients on a contingency fee contract.  That means Todd only receives his legal fees if his client wins a jury verdict or receives a settlement. If the verdict is unfavorable, the client does not owe the Tracy Law Firm any money.

Four Tips On What To Do After A Serious Accident

  1. Do not lose control of the wrecked vehicle**. Make sure it is safe and secure. Do not remove anything from the vehicle. There is no case without the vehicle.
  2. Do not settle your property damage claim with the insurance company. Beware that the insurance claims adjuster may even come to the hospital to get your signature. If you settle, the insurance company will take the wrecked vehicle to the junkyard.
  3. Do not give any recorded statements until you have talked to a lawyer. 
  4. Do not give a victim impact statement if criminal charges have been filed against the other driver. It can destroy any case you may have against the carmaker or auto dealer.
**If you have released your vehicle, call us at 214-324-9000 or contact us. We are bulldogs when it comes to tracking down wrecked vehicles at car auctions and salvage yards.

Safer Vehicles = Safer Families

Just like you, the Tracy family expects vehicle manufacturers and auto dealers to sell cars, SUV’s, trucks and buses that protect people from serious injury or death. Todd Tracy is dedicated to forcing the automotive industry to design and build safer vehicles. The effect of his research and lawsuits has exposed unsafe vehicles. In response, the government has issued recalls and strengthened safety standards. Todd and his wife are the parents of a daughter and son. Todd coaches his son’s traveling baseball team. His daughter was the catcher on her high school softball team and is a college student. We want to ensure that our children, as well as your families, are safe traveling on the nation’s roadways.

Todd Tracy Gives Back To Our Future Generations Of Dallas Children

Attorney Todd Tracy Presents $50,000 Check to Principal Mario Mondragón of Medrano Elementary in Dallas
Attorney Todd Tracy Presents $50,000 Check to Principal Mario Mondragón of Medrano Elementary in Dallas
Todd contributes to the Medrano Elementary School located near his law office and Crash Lab in Dallas as well as non-profit organizations that support cancer research. Todd has been actively involved in auto racing and sponsored an Indy car. He has incorporated safety research gained from race cars into his auto safety law practice.